Monday 5 August 2013

Paging Dr Tucker to the Tardis

So the Goebbels from Gorbals is the new Doctor Who, eh? How surreal. I love Peter Capaldi, and while there were many other names touted for the role of the new Doctor I think they made a magnificent choice but it will take some getting used to - unless this is the birth of a new darker, more cynical Doctor Who? We can but hope. Personally I stopped watching it during the last few years because it was wearing thin and I am a massive fan and have been ever since I was knee high to the proverbial grasshopper.

I am slightly disappointed that the BBC didn't choose to make a statement and hire someone who is not straight white cis-gendered able-bodied male. They could have started a debate, altered the discourse and shook things up a bit by being a tad bolder. I don't want them to hire someone just because they are black or female that would be terribly unproductive but can you honestly tell me that Idris Elba is not an equally amazing actor? Not that, personally, I wanted him to be the Doctor. I want him to be Bond!

Still choosing someone slightly more well known, someone with a bit more credibility (I was never fond of Matt honestly, David only slightly piqued my interest although both are gifted performers) among non-Who fans might open up the audience a bit which is a good thing.  But can you imagine the amount of free publicity and increase in audience say, Billie Piper or someone, would have garnered? I dunno perhaps a progressive AND a PR #fail?

I am looking forward to seeing what type of Dr Capaldi will be, and if we will go down the same tired sexy-companion/love interest storyline that have frankly bored me of late. Time for a change, time to do something a bit different. Maybe I need to start watching it again.

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